What is NCVT !! NCVT is a type of industrial training that is at the national level. Its full form is the National Council of Vocational Training which manages all trades. It was started in 1956 which comes under the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
What is SCVT !! SCVT is in a way considered to be part of NCVT. Its full form is the State Council of Vocational Training. The SCVT varies from state to state.
Difference between NCVT and SCVT !!
SCVT is for state-level training and NCVT is for national-level training.
SCVT is different for every state while NCVT is the same for the whole country.
SCVT is only part of NCVT.
SCVT is for small level training and NCVT is for a large level.
NCVT is better for ITI than SCVT.
The demand for NCVT is higher during most of the apprenticeship than SCVT.
NCVT is run by semester, while currently SCVT is run by year.
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