ITI & CTI Copa Question Bank Section paper Part -5

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COPA Question Bank
COPA Question Bank  Part -5

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant,iti & cti copa question paper ,Copa Question Bank Section / NCVT ITI paper,  Copa quizcopa objective questions and answer.

1. 1.In an email what does BCC stands for?

ANSWER= (A) Blind Carbon Copy


2. Which of these is not one of the folder views available in Windows operating system?

ANSWER= (B) Cascades


3. _ command in Windows operating system is used to cancel the last action or command.\



4. Programs written in HTML language can be interpreted through _____.\HTML

ANSWER= (D) Web Browsers


5. Which of these shortcuts in Windows 7 operating system is used to minimize all open windows?

ANSWER= (C) Windows Logo + M


6. Which of these key combination in Windows Operating system is used as a shortcut for Refresh ?



7. Frequently used instructions in a CPU are fetched from _______.

ANSWER= (B) Cache


8. By default, MS Excel aligns numbers to the ______.

ANSWER= (C) Right


9. Arranging elements like title, header, pictures , tables etc. in an presentation is known as ______.

ANSWER= (A) layout


10. The network layer concerns with which of the following?

ANSWER= (C) packets


11. In virtual circuit network each packet contains

ANSWER= (B) A short VC number


12. Physical or logical arrangement of network is system?

ANSWER= (A) Topology .


13. In this topology there is a central controller or hub

ANSWER= (A) Star


14. This topology requires multipoint connection



15. Which of the following is a layer of protection for Security ?

ANSWER= (D) All of these

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