Organisational chart of ITI

The organizational chart of ITI

Organisational chart of ITI
Organizational chart of ITI

Organization chart of ITI | Organizational Structure of it is  ITI - Industrial Training Institute


In most of the Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) in the country, the Principal is the head of the institution. Below the Principal is the Vice Principal then the Training Officer (TO), Group Instructor (GI), who performs the management work in the institute, and then there is the supervisory class. Below the supervisory category is Assistant Training Officers (ATOs), and Junior Training Officers (TTOs) and for each trade, there are business instructors, workshop calculations instructors, instructors for engineering drawing and employability skills, etc. Administration staff, Hostel Superintendent (HS), Physical Education Instructor (PET), Librarian, Pharmacist, etc. are under the head of the institution.

 Organizational Structure of ITIs

You can understand this very well by looking at the organization chart of the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) given below.

Industrial Training Institutes work under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE). Industrial Training Institutes play an important role in the economic development of the nation by providing trained manpower.

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