Health and Safety Management

What is Health and Safety Management 

Fire Safety
Fire Safety  

Health and Safety Management and Responsibilities, Effectiveness of roles and responsibilities about health and safety management essential for security management...


What is Health and Safety Management

Fire is a process of rapid oxidation at high temperatures. This releases hot gases,

Light and invisible forms of radiation energy.

Fire one bye-The product of a rapid combustion reaction. • Combustion to a . is defined as a self-sustaining process of rapid oxidation of

Combustible material (fuel), production of heat and light. • Oxidation is the process of chemically combining oxygen with other materials.

  •        Electrical
  •       Chemical
  •        Thermal
  •        Radioactive

fire requires three

Elements: Heat, fuel, and an oxidizing agent, usually oxygen. the fire is stopped or

Extinguish by removing any one of them. Fire naturally occurs when the element

Mixed in the right mixture.

Oxygen fuel-air mix must be right • People need 19.5% to live • Fire needs only 16%

For many years the concept of fire was represented by the triangle of combustion and

Representation, fuel, heat, and oxygen. Further fire research determined that a quarter

The element, a chemical chain reaction, was an essential component of fire. Fire

The triangle was changed to a fire tetrahedron to reflect this fourth element. a

A tetrahedron can be described as a pyramid that is solid with four plane faces.

chemical chain reaction. Removing any one of these required elements will result in

the fire being put out


fire and extinguishing classe American European/Australian fuel/heat source

Class A Class A Ordinary materials wood, cloth, paper, etc

Class B Class B flammable liquids such as grease, gasoline,

lubricating oils, and other hydrocarbons.

Class B Class C Flammable Gases

Class C Class E Electrical Appliances

Class D Class D flammable metals such as sodium, magnesium,

Aluminum, etc., and pyrophoric substances.

Classroom cooking oil or fat

Fire Extinguisher types


Fire Extinguisher Class A
Fire Extinguisher: Class A
Used on class "A" fires. cools the fire to the bottom

ignition temperature. Force will last for 2 minutes

and can reach a distance of 40 feet. pressure accumulates

The gas cartridge inside the cylinder.

Dry Chemical powder

Fire Extinguisher Class A&B
Fire Extinguisher Class A&B

Used on all classes of fire. prevents chain reaction

by strangulation. pressure is exerted by the gas

Cartridges are placed inside the cylinder. its strength will remain

Suitable for class A and B fires. the fire is extinguished

Separation of oxygen from the fire. pressure accumulates in the gas

cartridges. Can fight fire up to a distance of 20 feet and

Lasts for 2.5 minutes.


Fire Extinguisher Helon
Fire Extinguisher Class A, B&C

Best suited for electrical fires. puts out the fire

by displacing oxygen. Halon cylinders are obsolete

Now because they contain chlorofluorocarbons which are

harmful to the environment. so they're going

Replaced by environmentally friendly gases.

CO 2

Removes/displaces oxygen. Suitable for Class A, B,

C fire. Ideal for electrical fires. it holds pressure

Not suitable for fires only 15 seconds away. use of fire extinguishers

Stand 3 m (upwards) from the fire and remember the word "near" •

Pull the pin on the top of the sprinkler.

Depress the handle to release the extinguishing agent and

Sweep the bottom of the fire from side to side until it is extinguished.

fire prevention

Class "A" fire. Simple combustible.

Place the oil rags in covered containers.

Control smoking in the area.

Limit possible sources of ignition.

Keep passageways and fire doors clear at all times.

Know the locations of firefighters.

Class "B" fire. flammable liquids or gases

Consider non-flammable materials for cleaners.

Refueling devices only in well-ventilated areas and when they are not running.

Store flammable liquids properly.

Use flammable liquids only in well-ventilated areas.

Make sure the storage drums are properly ground.

Prohibit welding and cutting in authorized areas.

Class "C" fire. electrical equipment

Inspect wiring and insulation regularly.

Make sure motors are kept clean and lubricated.

Beware of unusual smells.

Make sure socket outlets and connections are not overloaded

Use the correct rating of fuses and MCB

Keep motors free of dust and excess grease.

Make sure the machinery is maintained properly.

Class "D" fire. combustible metal.

Control dust and rock.

Follow established control procedures.

Never use wet sand or water to put out a fire.

Moisture releases oxygen that can fuel a fire.

Metal fires can burn up to 5000 degrees and are difficult to extinguish




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