Career Options Job Opportunities After ITI Course

Career Options Job Opportunities After ITI Course


Career Options Job Opportunities After ITI Course
Career Options Job Opportunities After ITI Course

Career Options Job Opportunities After ITI Course: If you are a student who is either planning to pursue or already doing ITI courses, then you must have faced a very troubling but important question, i.e., 'What is the career path after ITI? What are the possibilities?'


Which job is best after ITI?

If you are a student who is either planning to pursue or already doing ITI courses, then you must have faced a very troubling but important question, i.e., 'What is the career path after ITI? What are the possibilities?' Today, the skills of a professional matter as much as their academic degree. Apart from this, various government programs like Skill India are also emphasizing on empowering the youth of the country with skill sets that make them more employable and more productive in their work environment. Therefore, students who have undergone training in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) across India have excellent career opportunities ahead.


Popularity of ITI courses

Traditionally, ITI courses have been very popular among students, especially from rural areas, as they offer courses that focus on skill development. The students who drop out of ITI are skilled professionals, either in engineering or non-engineering trades.


However, in the past decade, there has been a drastic decline in the popularity of ITI courses due to various factors. This has made many students think about the feasibility of taking ITI courses. Today, students are often faced with questions like 'Have ITI training programs lost their old luster? Are such training programs currently useful? Let's find the answers to these questions.


Career options after ITI course

The 21st century is the century of skill and knowledge; Professionals who have specific skills or have the right knowledge and know how to apply them have been successful. Therefore, to think that ITI courses are inferior to others or do not present good career opportunities, would be wrong. In fact, with the rising unemployment rate, in many cases, ITI students who have the right skill set and training will have better employment opportunities than others who have higher educational qualifications.


As far as career opportunities are concerned, ITI students have two main options that are available to them,

As discussed below, both of these options have their advantages:


1. Further studies


Diploma Courses: There are many engineering diploma courses available for students who have done ITI training in technical trades or engineering domain. Unlike ITI courses, Diploma Engineering courses go into the details of the subject concerned, covering both theoretical as well as practical aspects of the domain.

Specialized Short Term Courses: For ITI students of certain specific trades, Advanced Training Institutes (ATIs) offer specialized short term courses. These courses help students to further hone their skills, which are specific to the job profile or industry requirements in the relevant domain.

All India Trade Test: Another option for ITI students after completing ITI course is to go for AITT or All India Trade Test. All India trade exam is conducted by NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training). The exam is a skill test that certifies ITI students.

In many engineering trades, NTC is equivalent to a diploma degree.

2. Job Opportunities


Like other vocational and vocational course institutes, even ITIs have dedicated placement cells that look after the placement of the students. These placement cells have tie-ups with various government organizations, private companies and even foreign companies, which recruit students for jobs in several trades.


A. Jobs in Public Sector Units


The biggest employers of ITI students are public sector or government agencies. Students who have completed their ITI can seek employment with various Public Sector Units/PSUs like Railways, Telecom/BSNL, IOCL, ONCG, State-wise PWD and others. Also, they belong to the Indian Armed Forces i.e. Indian Army.

B. jobs in private sector


Those working in the private sector, especially manufacturing and mechanics, seek ITI students for trade specific jobs. The major sectors where ITI students can find lucrative career opportunities include construction, agriculture, textiles, energy.

c. self-employed


This is perhaps the most important advantage of opting for ITI course, as it allows one to start his own business and become self-employed.

Is. Thank you for giving preference to white collar jobs

, professionals who perform blue collar services. Hence, today we find an acute shortage of trained and qualified plumbers, carpenters, construction workers, agricultural workers etc. This is a great opportunity for students with ITI certificate to start their own business and become self-employed.


D. Jobs abroad


Another career opportunity that ITI students can explore after completing their course is off-shore jobs. Similar to India, many developed and developing countries are facing a shortage of blue-collar professionals; People who can fix things or provide allied services. There are many job opportunities especially for specific trades like freighters, with international oil and gas factories and shipyards etc.

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