How do I learn about depth welding?
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How do I learn about depth welding |
How do I learn about depth welding?: This welding in-depth course of practical pointers is
tailored to the metal-refining needs of any farm.
1. Globe or Spray Mode for Thick Steel
What most farmers may not realize is that adjusting volts,
amps, and wire-speed on a wire welder can produce fine-tuned transfer modes for
thick metal. The limiting factor with spherical or spray modes is that they can
only be used "when making metal -inch thick and thick and only flat and
horizontal fillet welds," says Lincoln Electric's Carl Hoss.
Globular Transfer (Short Arc): Voltage, amperage, and feed
speed exceed the standard short circuit mode. This results in large globs of
wire coming out of the wire end to enter the weld puddle. This mode provides
deep penetrating welds on thick materials, but it produces a lot of spatter.
Spray arc transfer: Volts, amps, and wire speed are higher than
in circular mode. This produces a stream of tiny molten droplets that spray
across the arc from the wire to the metal. For correct spray transfer, you must
use a gas containing argon. The spray arc allows the use of larger diameter
wire, so a lot of metal accumulates, and you get a great-looking bead. It can
only be used on flat or horizontal fillet welds; Its puddle is very liquid. Be
sure to change the tip of your gun to a unit that is about 3 inches long or
2. Clean up the impurities
"Farmers usually fail to adequately prepare the metal
before welding," says John Leisner of Miller Electric. "This includes
removing paint, rust, dirt, and other surface contaminants, but it also means
grinding down cracks." Leisner readily understands that metal preparation
is the last thing on your mind when weld repairs are needed at the height of
the season or in the middle of feeding livestock.
"I'm not saying that the repair area should be pristine
at all," he says, adding that aluminum welds are the exception (see Tip
No. 6 on Welding Aluminum). "At the very least, hit the repair area with a
powered wire brush to remove rust and dirt."
Cleaning removes impurities that are absorbed into the metal
during the weld; If they are left behind, they compromise repair. If cleaning
is not possible, avoid repairing with a MIG welder. "Use a stick welder
and a 6011 rod. Also, slow down your travel speed. This gives the gas bubbles
time to exit the molten weld before these impurities become trapped inside the
weld." They say.
Hydrogen Enemy #1. doing welding
Hydrogen is the worst weld-destroying impurity. Because it
is everywhere (in water, dirt, rust, paint, manure, and grease), hydrogen is a
major challenge for welders. What can be done to turn off the hydrogen? Do
something more neat, clean, and neat. "Hydrogen, as with high-residual
stress and crack-sensitive steel, can result in cracking after hours or days of
welding," says Lincoln Electric's Hose
3. Lawson Angle, Direction, and Speed
One of the surprising aspects of welding is that even a
novice welder can experience some success. However, Hose and Leisner caution
that there are some hard and fast rules for producing permanent welding
Push or Pull: The rule here is simple. "If it produces
lava, you pull," Leisner says. In other words, you stretch the rod or wire
when welding with a stick or flux-core wire welder. Otherwise, you push the
wire through metal inert gas (MIG) welding.
Working angle: With wire welding, hold the gun at an angle
of 10° to 15° in the direction you are pushing the weld
With a fillet (T) weld, hold the rod or wire (regardless of the welding process) between the two pieces of metal at a 45-degree angle.
Arc Spacing: Adjust the travel speed so that the welding arc
remains within the leading one-third of the weld pool. For wire (flux-core or
MIG) welding, keep an inch from the working distance. With stick welding, look at that
distance to keep inches between the rod tip and the workpiece. "The
length of the arc should not exceed the diameter of the core of the
electrode," says Leisner.
Speed: See welding puddle and ridge (where molten metal
freezes). When wire welding (MIG or flux-core), the ridge should be about an
inch behind the wire electrode, Hoes says. A very slow travel speed produces a
wide, convex bead with shallow penetration that deposits a lot of metal. On the
other hand, too high travel speed produces a shallow weld which produces a
narrow and highly crowned bead. Most travel speeds are less than 40 inches per
minute for various joints.
4. MiG Gas Selection
For MIG welding, the tried and true shielding gas of
preference is 100% carbon dioxide (CO)
Still, it's time to invest in more expensive shielding
gases, which include:
75% argon and 25% co² (100% co-produces lots of o.) to produce
good looking welds
f spatter) and for welding at high amperage levels.
For welding 85% argon and 15% co² heavy plate steel or for
use on metal that has a lot of mill scale or rust.
90% argon and 10% co² for spray transfer welding and heavy
or thick sections of metal.
100% argon or argon/helium mixture for aluminum welding.
90% argon, 7.5% helium, and 2.5% co² for stainless steel
5. Agricultural Electrode Shopping List
The array of wires and rods sold makes the selection of
electrodes confusing. Leisner and Hoes give this shopping list of farm
electrodes that will cover most repair jobs.
MIG wire: A good overall MIG wire diameter is either .035
(the most common) or .045 inches. But consider .025 inches when welding thin
material that is an inch or less. This is because a smaller diameter wire is
more stable at a low current, which provides less arc force and less tendency to
burn through the metal.
provides," says Leisner. If you're welding out of
position (an overhead weld), you can switch to an E71T-8 wire, Hoes says. If
you're welding coated or galvanized metal (such as grain feet), go with E71T-14
wire, as it has core material that explodes in an arc. This action destabilizes
steel coatings, thus, reducing weld cracking and porosity. All of these wires
provide a higher deposition rate than stick electrodes, and their slag is more
easily removed.
Stick electrode: A common-use rod is the 6011 electrode,
says Leisner, because it delivers a good penetrating weld. On thicker materials
"needing a deep penetrating weld, go for a 6010 electrode," he says
Go to a larger diameter rod for thick metal and a smaller
diameter rod for thinner metal," advises Hose.
6. Welding Aluminum
The increasing presence of aluminum in AG equipment is
forcing the issue of repairing the metal.
But there are some rules you must follow, Hoes says. Those
rules include:
Keep the drive-roll adjustment loose.
Replace the cable liner using Teflon, nylon, or a similar
liner product.
Use only argon or argon-helium gas.
These larger wires make it easier to feed the gun cable.
Put a contact tip about .0115 inches larger than the diameter
of the wire.
Remove grease, oil, manure, or dirt using an organic solvent
such as acetone, a mild alkaline solution such as strong soap, or a
citrus-based degreaser. Avoid strong alkaline or acid cleaners.
Brush the repair using a new stainless steel wire brush
(used only for aluminum welding jobs) to remove the naturally occurring
oxidized aluminum on the metal surface. Aluminum oxides melt at 3,700°F, while
base metals melt at 1,200°F. Oxide fillers on the repair surface will prevent the penetration of the metal.
Preheat the repair to 230°F. To reduce cracking. Place nail
welds at the beginning and end of the repair to aid in preheating and prevent
Use a short gun and a straight cable. If you will be welding
a lot of aluminum, consider purchasing a spool gun.
Push in welds to reduce contamination and improve shield-gas
Weld hot and fast, using high amperage and voltage settings
and weld-travel speeds to prevent burn-through.
Fill the weld crater at the end of the weld. Craters are the
major reason aluminum welds crack, warns Hoes. To dent, continue feeding wire
into the end of a weld, reversing its direction of travel back to the weld for
about 1 inch.
7. High-Strength Steel Mending Secret
Manufacturers are increasingly turning to the use of
harder-to-weld metals such as high-strength steel, says Hoss, especially in
tillage equipment. When repairing high-strength steel, it is important to first
prepare it for landing in bare metal by removing all rust, paint, grease, and
moisture. Next, preheat the repair site before welding.
"The higher the carbon content of the steel (common in
high-strength steels), the more preheating is required," says Hoss.
"Preheating is required to prevent post-weld cracking." Use a
smaller-diameter, low-hydrogen electrode, such as a 7018 stick rod, when
repairing high-strength steels, Leisner says. Eventually, your welding travel
speed slows down.
keep; This keeps the weld puddle from melting by giving the
hydrogen gas bubbles time to boil. The result is a better-finished weld.
8. Why do welds crack?
Hose says welds tend to crack for one or more of the following reasons:
Do not grind cracks in their bottom before welding,
Manufacture of undersized beads. Welds should always be
slightly wider than deep.
Formation of concave or hollow beads. This type of weld can
cause a crack in the middle of the bead. The weld should always be convex or
Failed to clean a repair properly. Leaving rust, paint,
grease, dirt, or moisture on repairs can introduce hydrogen into the weld which
can promote cracking.
Not preheating before welding. This is especially necessary
when the steel you are welding has a high carbon or alloy content.
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