In India NSQF, many learners are studying for qualifications by participating in education and training/skills programs. Through these programs, they develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need for jobs and future careers.
What is NQAF
Quality lies at the heart of effective education and training/skills programs. Learners, employers, and the public need to be assured that training and qualifications are provided through high-quality education and training/skills programs, regardless of where they are delivered and evaluated. The National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) aims to improve the quality of all education and training/skills programs in India.
The NQAF provides benchmarks or quality criteria that various organizations involved in education and training must meet to be accredited to provide education and training/skills activities. This applies to all organizations that provide NSQF-compliant qualifications
The NQAF manual provides guidance for various groups of organizations, describing what each has to do to meet the quality criteria.
1. National Quality Assurance Framework Overview Manual
This manual provides an overview of the entire NQAF and covers the vision, objectives, operational principles, and quality indicators of the NQAF. It is supported by a subset of seven other manuals. It provides a summary of each of the other seven manuals, which together with the overview manual, constitute the basic set of NQES. This subset of the manual is as follows:
2. Registration of NSQF Qualification Manual
This manual will provide information on NSQF eligibility, evidence requirements (industry needs, avoidance of duplication), use of NSQF qualifications, alignment for NSQF levels, route information, etc. for the QA process for registration.
3. Accreditation of evaluation body and QA in the evaluation manual
This manual contains procedures to ensure consistency in assessment decisions and evaluation skills, with similar requirements for training/education institutions.
4. National Quality Assurance Framework Auditor's Manual
This manual provides for audit procedures and procedures and aims to assist the quality auditors with training/education institutes and the process of assessment bodies for accreditation of skills India. The manual includes the types of evidence to be collected by auditors from training/education institutions and assessment bodies.
5. Quality assurance manual of industry bodies
This manual provides QA information on NOS development and industry consulting, qualification evidence and data collection requirements, communication information about NSQF, and alignment of NSQF levels.