Welding objective: Types of questions and answers in welding, welding, welding quiz questions, and answers.
1. 1. For FCAW, the second digit (1) in an electrode marked (E71T-5) refers to
2. The metal transfer considered the least desirable of the three major GMAW variations is
3. Using GMAW, the more recommended metal transfer for welding stainless steel is
Basic types of joints in welding:- click here
4. The carbon steel electrodes of choice generally used in GMAW are?
5. Using GMAW and short-circuit transfer mode, the most common shielding gas for carbon steel electrodes are
6. In GMAW, the more useful welding transfer technique for joining thin materials in any position is:
7. The shielding gas, recommended position, and electrode size, when welding aluminum using the spray-arc process at minimum 95A could be:
8. Flux-cored electrode is:
9. What could be the shielding gas flow requirements for small weld pools using short-circuiting and pulsed-spray and globular transfer?
10. Using GMAW, how argon can be used for welding ferrous materials?
11. Which of the following is not an essential element of an FCAW system?
12. Which of the following is not an essential element of a Flux-cored arc welding system?
13. When welding aluminum with the GTAW process, what type of welding current is most commonly used?
14. The welding processes SAW and ESW are similar in that:
15.What welding process produces welds in a single pass, with the progression vertically upward along the joint?
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